17th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora

Program: Monday, 20 May, 2024

All timings are in Italian time (CEST = Central European Summer Time: UTC+2)

09:00–10:30Session 1
09:00–09:30On a Novel Application of Wasserstein-Procrustes for Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Alignment of Embeddings
Guillem Ramírez, Rumen Dangovski, Preslav Nakov and Marin Soljacic
09:30–10:00Modeling Diachronic Change in English Scientific Writing over 300+ Years with Transformer-based Language Model Surprisal
Julius Steuer, Marie-Pauline Krielke, Stefan Fischer, Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb, Marius Mosbach and Dietrich Klakow
10:00–10:30PORTULAN ExtraGLUE Datasets and Models: Kick-starting a Benchmark for the Neural Processing of Portuguese
Tomás Freitas Osório, Bernardo Leite, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Luís Gomes, João Rodrigues, Rodrigo Santos and António Branco
10:30–11:00Coffee break
11:00–12:00Invited Talk
11:00–12:00The Way Towards Massively Multilingual Language Models (slides)
François Yvon
12:00–13:00Session 2
12:00–12:30Quality and Quantity of Machine Translation References for Automatic Metrics
Vilém Zouhar and Ondřej Bojar
12:30–13:00Exploring the Necessity of Visual Modality in Multimodal Machine Translation using Authentic Datasets
Zi Long, ZhenHao Tang, Xianghua Fu, Jian Chen, Shilong Hou and Jinze Lyu
13:00–14:00Lunch break
14:00–16:00Session 3
14:00–14:30Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models in Adaptive Machine Translation for Generic Text and Subtitles
Abdelhadi Soudi, Mohamed Hannani, Kristof Van Laerhoven and Eleftherios Avramidis
14:30–15:00INCLURE: a Dataset and Toolkit for Inclusive French Translation
Paul Lerner and Cyril Grouin
15:00–15:30BnPC: A Gold Standard Corpus for Paraphrase Detection in Bangla, and its Evaluation
Sourav Saha, Zeshan Ahmed Nobin, Mufassir Ahmad Chowdhury, Md. Shakirul Hasan Khan Mobin, Mohammad Ruhul Amin and Sudipta Kar
15:30–16:00Booster presentations
poster authors
16:00–16:30Coffee break
16:30–18:00Poster session
Creating Clustered Comparable Corpora from Wikipedia with Different Fuzziness Levels and Language Representativity
Anna Laskina, Eric Gaussier and Gaelle Calvary
EuReCo: Not Building and Yet Using Federated Comparable Corpora for Cross-Linguistic Research
Marc Kupietz, Piotr Banski, Nils Diewald, Beata Trawinski and Andreas Witt
Building Annotated Parallel Corpora Using the ATIS Dataset: Two UD-style treebanks in English and Turkish
Neslihan Cesur, Aslı Kuzgun, Mehmet Kose and Olcay Taner Yıldız
Bootstrapping the Annotation of UD Learner Treebanks
Arianna Masciolini
SweDiagnostics: A Diagnostics Natural Language Inference Dataset for Swedish
Felix Morger
Multiple Discourse Relations in English TED Talks and Their Translation into Lithuanian, Portuguese and Turkish (no physical poster)
Deniz Zeyrek, Giedrė Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė and Amalia Mendes
mini-CIEP+ : A Shareable Parallel Corpus of Prose
Annemarie Verkerk and Luigi Talamo
Last modified: 21 May 2024